About Us

mover truck driver smiling

It is rare that any piano fits through a conventional door, staircase or elevator. All of a sudden the thought of moving a piano becomes a daunting and overwhelming challenge. This is why our team has made a lifelong commitment to understanding Piano makeup and components of the instrument. Our team comes equipped with the tools and safety gear to appropriately take the instrument apart, safely transport the parts and re-assemble them back to original condition. Furthermore, once the piano is taken apart, individual sections can easily weigh hundreds of pounds and if not handled properly could cause harm or damage to the interior property. Our equipment we enlist is specially designed to handle the size requirements and weight demands of a long list of popular and common pianos.

To avoid causing damage to ourselves and or your interior household, we have appropriately invested in special boarding and dollies that are built custom. A Piano owner is a particular breed and carries a relationship with their one or many different pianos. By enlisting the services of an ameature or conventional moving company, you are putting your instrument and sentimental centerpiece in compelling amounts of risk to damage or total loss. It is important to our clients that their Piano is dealt with the absolute utmost care and attention. We make sure each step of the process is done with meticulous attention to detail to ensure the piano gets to its destination, without damage or loss and that it is put back together exactly in the same configuration it was picked up in.
